Thursday, April 5, 2012

Digital Storytelling example

I have added the link to my wiki where my digital storytelling example is. My project is guided for second grade science. The only suggestions I ask is how can I keep my sound and animations from my powerpoint? If you notice I added the powerpoint as well because when I uploaded the file to slideshare the animation and sound was gone!


  1. I am not quite sure what happned to the sound to your project or how to get it back! Sorry! I will tell you that your project was really cute. I think the students will like it and I think that it is age appropiate. I feel like the pictures add to the show and the students will be able gather the information that is needed.
    Kristen G.T.

  2. Thanks! I wish you guys could have viewed it with the animation and the sound :(

  3. I really liked your digital story, I teach second grade so I can totally see my students liking your project! My second graders love animals and your presentation is easy to understand and follow. I also saw the same thing happen to me when I converted my first Power Point presentation onto Slideshare. I later saw the "disclaimer" that says that any sound or animations would be lost when you convert your Power Point to Slideshare.
    Larisa Kivett

  4. I think your students will enjoy the fun story, told by the baby cheetah, and the cute pictures and background scenery. It is a great model for them to use with their own animal stories! I am not sure about the music either....I am having issues trying to add music to mine as well. But, if it is this difficult for us, I think it is alright to leave it out of your example for your students. The goal is to make an example our students would be able to do :)

  5. I wish I could have heard the sound as well it was very cute. I felt I knew the little cutie. I think that the students will love it and it also gives them a good idea of what you want them to create. I like that you gave background of were mommy came from and why she was at the zoo.

    Tonga Ramseur

  6. I like your digital storytelling, because it approaches students in a friendly way.Although I wasn't able to hear the narration part of the presentation, I was able to open it up in powerpoint and hear the sounds that you used for the cheetah. Going through your digital storybook felt like reading a nice catchy large print kids book. I can true imaging how much fun your students will take doing such a project. Not only are they going to love it because it about animals but it going to exciting to see little kids putting together animations or like sounds that animals make.

  7. I love your example. Last year, in my second grade classroom, I had my students create PowerPoints on an animal and their habitats. Had I known about Digital Storytelling, their projects would have been so much better. It relates your idea. I liked your sound effects. I also had the problem with my effects transferring over on Slideshare. I just ended up recording myself on my computer and uploading the sound to lay over my slideshare presentation. I would love for your feedback on mine ( You have a great start here! Good job.

    1. Maybe next time I'll record it. I wanted to have a child's voice be the narrator but I never found a program.
