Wednesday, February 29, 2012


According to troubleshoot is to isolate the source of a problem and fix it, typically through a process of elimination whereby possible sources of the problem are inverstigated and eliminated beginning with the most obvious or easiest problem to fix.
In my experiences, computer problems are the worst possible kind of problem for one to deal with. Anytime that I've ever experienced any computer problem I've always turned to searching for the solution online. I found a website that has common computer problems and solutions, check it out: 
As I was researching about this topic I didn't come across to the specific reason why computers troubleshoot. My assumption is either because of virus, software issues, or hardware issues. Whatever the case may be one can always obtain help online or through a technician in a store like Best Buy or Staples.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


"A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes" ( Blue screens, computer malfunctions, programs disappearing, and your antivirus stating that you have a virus are all symptoms that your computer has a virus.

How do these viruses get in your computer you ask? Well, for starters you must have opened some kind of e-mail attachment or instant message, these viruses can be attached as funny images, audio files, video files, and greeting cards."Computer viruses can be hidden in pirated software or in other files or programs that you may download" ( 

 Windows computers have been known to be more susceptible to viruses than Macs. According to "a Mac isn’t susceptible to the thousands of viruses plaguing Windows-based computers. That’s thanks to built-in defenses in Mac OS X that keep you safe, without any work on your part."

There are many ways to protect your computer from a virus one of them being obtaining an antivirus program for your computer. Not opening any .DOC, .XLS, .GIF, or .Jpeg attachments from your email or your instant message. According to Best Antivirus software review the best antivirus product is Bitdefender ( 

I've had my share of computer viruses and from my experience they weren't very fun. I once had my computer not turn on entirely! I ended up having to re-install the entire software and losing all of my data. So for what it's worth save yourself the inconvenience and protect your computer.